
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Big Reveal

The time has come!! We're ready to share the official before and after photos of our kitchen. After it being such a long process, we are so incredibly happy with the final result. It truly is our dream kitchen (and home).

When we first compared the before and after pictures, we were soooo amazed! Of course I remember what the kitchen looked like when we bought it but comparing the before and after makes it's hard to believe that they are the same house.

Click on the photo to make it larger.
Pictured on the left: Our kitchen on December 11, 2012
Pictured on the right: Our kitchen TODAY :)

Everything in the kitchen was chosen by us. We picked the stain and style of the cabinets, hardware (knobs and handles), appliances, floor stain, recessed lighting, backsplash, etc. When you're picking a bunch of individual items, it's really hard to imagine what it will look like when it comes together and it's stressful because you want to make sure you've made the right choice. We spent a lot of time on Houzz looking at example kitchens and figuring out what we liked and didn't like.

Here's another view of the kitchen:

One of my favorite parts, we have a little heart in our hardwood floors!

Have you ever remodeled a kitchen before? Did you experience any setbacks? What's your favorite part?


  1. Wow! It looks so gooood!!! I can't want to see it in person and cook something in it with you guys! :D (hint hint mint brownies ;)

    1. Oh yes, we definitely need to make some mint brownies!!

  2. I definitely LOVE LOVE LOVE your kitchen! Sure was fun helping put all the stemware and china away too!

    1. We are sooo thankful you came to visit/help! It made a huge difference. :)


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