
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Another one bites the dust

Another day has gone by and the house is looking great. The kitchen has been walled up and the living room is full of cabinets... That's how it's supposed to be right? Oh wait the cabinets go in the kitchen she says. The cabinet guys are going to start tomorrow at 5 am... Just kidding, probably more like 7-8am. We don't want to piss off the neighbors, but in all seriousness that's when they wanted to start. The hunt for bedroom furniture has been concluded today. We found some reasonably priced furniture, it doesn't hurt that it's easy on the eyes if you catch my drift ;). We are going to order it tomorrow. Then we will only have small things to complete woot woot. Sign-ups for next months gardening are now available, just leave your name and availability at the bottom in the comments. I know we will have plenty of volunteers...right? Anybody?

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