
Thursday, December 27, 2012

The search for a finish line

The house is well on its way to being finished. Hopefully everything will be done in a few more weeks (knock on wood). Brand new wood that is, the flooring guys will be starting tomorrow and will be working through the weekend to get the floor fixed and sanded smooth like a babies bottom.

We tried to pick out some knobs and handles today but we were unsuccessful. Who knew there were so many options to choose from.

Since no one wants to come garden we have put that on the back burner for a little while (but mostly because its all wet outside and I don't feel like getting muddy ha).


  1. CJ - you're completely cracking me up with your postings! Where did this wonderful wit of yours come from?? So happy to be experiencing this milestone in your lives through your eyes and Emily's through your blog! Such a great idea and very glad you've done this!

    Count me in to help set up your garden, or your flower beds :-)

    Love you both, Mom


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